Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pictures and a poem

Title is self-explanitory! The long-awaited pictures and a little poem from San Salvador.

San Salvador at dusk.
Marketplace in San Sal Centro

Danny with kiddos at Open
School. Friendly game of
ball and chain quickly became... pile!
Wall of civil war victim names.

Iglisia de Rosario
Inside Iglisia de Rosario
Like a Mayan temple for Christ,
half-domed wheel slicing east to west across
San Salvador.
Rainbow glass across its belly
shows the birth and death of every day.
East to west, blood to blue, fade
to gold and grey.
Mountains are my cathedrals,
leave me open to the sky,
embrace the energy of creation, sacred or secular.
But when I must remember the people,
my boundaries, my roots,
give me this church
where vines crawl through grated windows
in the half-light of stained glass,
and the sounds of the city echo across the dome.
The glory of earth and growth
capture the orchestra of the human condition.

My classroom in Suchitoto. Sometimes I have trouble concentrating on Spanish!

In Suchitoto, the stairs leading to my room.
My room in Suchi.
Mama Nena making pupusas over a wood fire.
My host sister and brother, Jhosseline and Nelcito. Nelcito is just learning how cute he is and that if he laughs with mouth wide open, so will we!
Giant moth!
I hiked a few hours to this waterfall. Apparently you can jump in from the side, but I wouldn't want to!

Me and waterfall.

Me and more waterfalls! These rocks are volcanic hexagonal pillars, just like the Giants' Causeway in Northern Ireland! Just like Devil's Tower! I ran into two Canadians and an American in Suchi, and we got the local tourist police to bring us to these falls (apparently there is a dangerous patch between them and Suchi). Then on the way, we picked up a whole gaggle of students visiting from a town across the lake and had a grand time fitting about 25 people on a police pickup truck. I would have taken a picture, but I couldn't move!
Making pupusas!
That's all for now, amigos. Hasta luego!


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