Monday, September 29, 2008


Hello Friends,

First things first. My new contact info is:

Alyssa Wechsler
Linacre College
St. Cross Road
Oxford, UK
(mobile): (011) 44-7531-971160
Skype name: alyssa.wechsler

I would appreciate any care packages for I am a lonely starving student. Especially if said packages include hot chocolate (which is ridiculously expensive here).

On to the juicy bits. I now live in Harry Potter land. The top of every building, be it pub or Oxford library on bottom, has spires, towers, gargoyles, you name it! The first time I saw a schoolboy run by, like the ignorant American I can be, I thought, "Hey, that kid's dressed up to be Harry Potter! Halloween isn't for another month!" I've now come to the conclusion that either every day here is Halloween, or they all dress like that.

Overall, my introduction to the university and the city has been fantastic. I got a room on site at my college (Linacre be its name.) I've managed to make it pretty cozy (above) and the best part is its right above the college commons room/bar! Not too noisy, and much cheaper rent. Not to mention that I now live above a bar, hee hee. My department is only a block away (which is impressive in a university that spans the entire city). The university parks (below) are literally in my back yard. There is a 1.5 mile running path, a duck pond, rugby pitches, the works.

My lectures don't start for two weeks (other than the introductory field trip I have this weekend), but I've already been working very hard. Namely punting, pubbing, and sight-seeing. Punting pics top right: (from left) Olly the token Brit friend and punt master, Steve the giant basketball Marshall, Rose the Marshall. Bottom right: (from left) Marshalls Rose, Megan, giant Steve, Emma, and me. Puntmaster Olly on far right. Tourist pics top left (Marshalls Ben, Grant, Zane, Emma, Rose, me) and bottom left from Blenheim Palace, Winston Churchill's family "abode."

The newest addition to my Oxford repertoire is RUGBY! I started a pre-season training camp today and got worked. But I don't feel out of my league, and I love the team! Plus, if I stick with it I can play in a true, original "varsity" match this spring (i.e. Cambridge vs. Oxford). Here, what we would call varsity teams are called "the Blues." So I doubt I'll play with the Blues, but I'll still get to play a varsity match.

Some final random pictures: Linacre College, Linacre College from the University Parks, the tattoo picture as promised (did I mention I got a tattoo? It's an arrowleaf balsamroot. Nice story, I'll tell you if you ask hehe).

Well, I suppose that should be all for now. You can comment on these posts and/or become "followers" of my blog. This will help keep you up to date on my recent posts.Tune in later this week for my first installment of "Cultural Observations," and make sure to check out my new post next Sunday! I look forward to hearing from you all.



Monday, September 22, 2008

Leaving the States

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! I still think the word "blog" is more a description of a vulgar noise, but I also figure it is the best way to keep in touch with everyone while I am abroad. After I get these first few posts out of the way, I plan to add a new blog each week (hopefully on Sunday, but that might change after my classes get started.)

I left Laramie on Saturday September 13th after a busy but wonderful last few days. Friday evening, I hosted a party to get rid of my food and had a surprising number of people show to help me eat it. Not sure if I have a lot of friends or know a bunch of poor, starving students. This was our lovely centerpiece, leftovers from the salmon I brought back from Alaska.

I had also wanted to go on one last mountain hike up Medicine Bow Peak, and after being delayed for most of the week realized it was Thursday or bust. Of course, I awoke Thursday to freezing rain. Being stubborn, I picked up Spyder the Blackdog and drove up to Libby Creek trail, shrouded in cloud. In the end, I got rain, hail, sleet, snow, and sunshine. It was the perfect Wyoming departure -- you never know what to expect there.

And that left me with my parting sentiments. I must approach this next journey prepared for anything but with no expectations -- hopes, plans, and aspirations, yes, but no expectations. Those can break your heart. So it's off to the wild blue yonder! I'll see you on the other side.
