Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer Daze of Our Lives, Part II

[Cut to]

Anya and Alyssa rushing through the busy streets of Oxford, sweat is flying, pedestrians bowled over… a massacre.

ANYA: This almost counts as training for the Enduro!

ALYSSA: I knew we should have called a cab…

Luckily, our heroines reach the station with just enough time to buy round-trip tickets from Oxford to Luton Airport. Their Swiss friend Martin is there waiting with two suitcases, a garment bag, and a guitar – his life in Oxford over the past year. The sisters sheepishly show him their two backpacks and giant duffle bag for their week-long trip to Switzerland.

Hey, to be fair those bags contained tents, sleeping bags, climbing gear, running shoes, and a clean pair of underwear! In any case, the flight to Zurich otherwise went smoothly. Martin’s dad Fritz picked us up at the airport and brought us back to their very nice home where we got our first taste of Swiss bread, cheese, and chocolate. Joygasmic, my friends. I had frequent Homer Simpson moments.

The next morning we got up early and met a friend of Martin’s for a day of excellent climbing. The trip to the climbing area was a little long (two trains, a bus, and a gondola) but the views and routes were worth it! We finished the afternoon with a dip in the cold-but-but-not-as-cold-as-you’d-expect lake. On the way back we had a short layover in Lucerne, so we got a quick walking tour with our expert Swiss guide (Martin). Saw a viola player busking! Then, back in Zurich, we walked down the river and met some of Martin’s old friends. The river scene was really neat – hundreds of people swimming, picnicking, playing music…

The following day Anya and I left (after a BBQ and a watermelon eating contest between Martin and I) for the fairly randomly selected town of Walenstadt. We picked it because it was next to a lake, had a campsite (you’re not allowed to just go out and camp in the mountains), and was between Zurich and Innsbruck. This final point was important because our good friends Dan and Kathy were going to be flying into Zurich and driving to Italy via Innsbruck the very next day! Our plan was to meet with Dan and Kathy, maybe spend an extra day, and then move on; however, Walenstadt turned out to be a gold mine of exciting activities.

After an excellent lunch with our friends, Anya and I rented mountain bikes and set out. Walenstadt is located on a valley floor surrounded by quaint towns and towering mountains. Great for the view, rough on my very unpracticed legs. We managed to try to ride across a shooting/artillery range, and found a few fun trails, but much of our time was on tiny paved roads that switchbacked up into mountains that looked impossible to summit by foot, nonetheless bike (or car!) Although there were hundreds of little tracks leading to hundreds of little houses and meadows, we realized that if you followed the yellow-brick “Wanderweg” signs, you could always eventually get back home. We found some delicious wild raspberries and strawberries and “stumbled upon” some less-than-wild cherries. We returned the bikes satisfyingly mud coated. (Not to say we wouldn’t have washed them if we could!)

We returned to camp tired and hungry… We sat down in front of our maps… so many trails, so little time! Will our heroines find the perfect trail up those inspiring mountains, or will they be unceremoniously booted out of the country for making fun of all the “fahrt” signs? Werkeinfahrt, like a workin’ fahrt! Ausfahrt, you fahrt, we all fahrt together!

Find out next time, on “Summer Daze of Our Lives…”

Alyssa and Anya

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer Daze, Part I

Hi everybody!

I am so good at this not writing for months on end thing! Here’s the plan… over the next week or so I hope to put out a whole slew of the “Summer Daze Chronicles” to recount my adventures of late.

The story begins (or picks up) with the completion of exams, which were as horrendous as anticipated. But it was fun to watch Oxford fill up with nervous students all dressed up in sub-fusc and gowns, most sporting a carnation – white for first dayers, pink for middle dayers, and red for finalists! We had a very fun afternoon and evening after our final exam… swimming, picnicking, BBQs, burning notes, and possibly some booze.

The next day, Queen Anya arrived from the kingdom of Montana! We had a day to nurse her jetlag and buy/rent dresses for the upcoming Linacre Ball, and then we carpooled with some of my classmates to Wales for some British-style camping. We pitched tents in the yard of a beautiful old farmhouse and cooked giant meals in the neighboring bunkhouse… but we had a great time with music, “speeches,” and toasts with Mongolian liquor supplied by Bama.

Back to Oxford the next day to catch the Linacre Ball, themed “Vintage Vegas.” Unfortunately, I had to work the bar from 12-3am and left Anya at the mercy of the Linacre lads. Fortunately, as we all knew, Anya knows how to take care of herself! In the end, a good time with the Wechsler gals obviously stealing the show.

The next few days were more relaxed. Running tours of Ox. A visit to the famous Pitt Rivers Museum, a collection of Brittan’s colonial exploits (and, incidentally, where Philip Pullman’s Lyra looks at the trepanned skulls… we got to see them, too! Plus real shrunken heads. Yummy.) Punting and pubbing. Anya tried her first English bitter (ale). Her description: warm, flat, and… bitter. Who knew? Not to worry, she chased away the nasty with some delicious “black ice” gum which turned out to be black licorice and mint. Good fun.

On the first of July, an uncharacteristically hot day for England, the sisters Wex strapped on their matching North Face Gompa packs and slung a giant Atmosphere Mountainworks duffle full of camping and climbing gear over the shoulder. Being Wechslers, time was ticking toward bus departure as the girls sweatily weaved through the throng of robe-wearing students and camera-slinging tourists. Will they catch their bus to the airport? Will they ever get to explore the mountains of Switzerland? Will they get to hobnob with the rich and famous? Or will Alyssa’s sweat destroy her passport and Anya tortured by an herb-wielding hippie? Find out in the next installment of “Summer Daze”…

Alyssa (and Anya)